lundi 10 novembre 2014

The Path

It's time to talks about a small UFO videogame with an incredible graphics and sound atmosphere. Let me introduce you The Path, a narrative game inspired by older versions of Little Red Riding Hood. Same story, but six characters, one by one send to their grandmother house. 

    Ruby, Carmen, Rose, Ginger, Robin and Scarlet must get lost in the woods and find their "Wolf" to "win" the game. Stay on the path like said at the beginning only lead you to a Game Over. The goal here is to meet our wolf (who is a different symbolic for each girl.) No real story, no cutscene, no explanation, just an strange and beautiful atmosphere and a lot of reflections about this game. No monsters, just a narrative experience. Disturbing or fascinating, depends of you. The lack of logic and the strangeness of The Path really inspired me for the conception of Jazzland. The game deals with difficult and troubling themes we also found in mine. (Death, depression, the quest to find oneself, temptation, the figure of the Wolf...)

 I rather let you get an idea yourself.


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