mercredi 12 novembre 2014

Poppy Z Brite

Let's talk about something a little different this time. I've already told you about tow video game. This time, I'm going to indroduce you a book. Well... Not really a book but an author. Actually my favorite writer. Poppy Z Brite. His real name is Billy Martin and he is born Melissa Ann Brite, in May 1967. Martin is a trans man and demand to be qualified as a man.

Borns in New Orleans, he is an underground novelist but few of his books was edited in France.  He retired for now in 2010 because of health problems and his unabily to disconnect with some aspect of his life. He probably continue to write, but not for publication, only for himself. Now, he sells some creations (paintings and handmade jewellery) in his Livejournal.

He wrote a lot of novels and short stories, must of them wasn't very famous. (in fact, Poppy Z Brite his not a famous and popular author in general... And that's probably better like this.) For example, he wrote Lost Souls, my favorite novel ever, in 1992. Martin is the first who denigrate this book but Lost Souls has a spontaneity and a vision we don't found in his other books. (A bit in Drawing Blood, which has been written in 1993)

Poppy Z Brite had a dark poetry and a very particular and pleasing ironic sense of humor. His books are often considered offensive by general public but are more famous in the underground environment. Amusing detail, he is a "Cat Lady" (I don't know the expression for a man, sorry) and host many cats in his house.

Lost Souls has had a huge influence on my world and my discovery of this author brought my passion for New Orleans and its legends (In the game, Snow is a native of this city. In fact, Jazzland is an alternative reality of New Orleans.)

  The sky is purple, the flare of a match behind a cupped hand is gold; the liquor is green, bright green, made from a thousand herbs, made from altars. Those who know enough to drink Chartreuse at Mardi Gras are lucky, because the distilled essence of the town burns in their bellies. Chartreuse glows in the dark, and if you drink enough of it, your eyes will turn bright green. ”
― Poppy Z. Brite, Lost Souls

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