lundi 24 novembre 2014

A little talk with independent professionals.

Natalia and Mister Red, her hand puppet.
So! Tow days ago, I had a little talk on Facebook with Natalia Figueroa from Killmonday studio, the designer and creator of the indepedent game called Fran Bow. What an adorable woman! It was a really brief talk but it encourages me a lot for Jazzland. They use same method as me to create their game (Game Maker Studio for programing and Anime Studio for animated characters and events, ect.)

Watch their video help me to acquire a work organization and now, I know what to do to keep in mind a lot of things about my project. I will going to make sketches and research about locations and characters design. At the moment, I'm on hiatus because I want to focus on my homeworks and somethings I have to do very soon. But I don't give up Jazzland! It's to important for me to put an end to this game.

Oh! And, important news! Jazzland's dubbing will be in english! The game will be normally available with french and english subtiles.

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